Ecosia: the search engine that plants trees for a sustainable future


A better planet, research after research

The easiest way to plant trees and do good for the planet every day.

In the vast digital universe, a green giant is emerging with a revolutionary mission: Ecosia, the search engine that not only helps you find what you are looking for but actively contributes to the reforestation of our planet.

Ecosia's vision

Founded in 2009 by Christian Kroll, Ecosia stands out for its ecological commitment. With 80% of its advertising revenues, Ecosia funds reforestation projects around the world, turning every online search into an act of good for the Earth.

Environmental and social impact

Ecosia has planted millions of trees in over 35 countries, with the aim of restoring and protecting biodiversity hotspots. Every tree planted helps fight climate change, restore desertified land and support local communities by providing jobs and improving living conditions.

Transparency and reliability

Transparency is a fundamental pillar for Ecosia. By publishing monthly financial reports, it concretely demonstrates how profits are used for climate action, strengthening users' confidence in their collective impact.

Technology and innovation

Ecosia goes beyond carbon neutrality. Its servers, powered by solar energy, produce more energy than consumed, thus inserting more renewable energy into the electricity grid.

A green future just a click away

Choosing Ecosia means adopting a more sustainable lifestyle. Every research contributes to a greener future, demonstrating that even small daily actions can have a big impact on our planet.

Ecosia represents an excellent example of how technology can be harmonized with the environment. It is an invitation to each of us to become active protagonists in safeguarding our world, simply by browsing the web. For more information and to start making a difference today, visit the official Ecosia website.

Ecosia is a non-profit search engine that combines digital development and ecology. Its mission is to plant trees around the world thanks to user searches on the web.

Here are some key points regarding Ecosia:

Planting trees: Ecosia uses revenue from user searches to plant trees in different parts of the world where the need is greatest. This approach contributes to reforestation and the fight against climate change.

Native species: Unlike industrial monocultures, Ecosia plants native species in collaboration with local communities. This helps restore biodiversity and improve the health of ecosystems.

Transparency and privacy: Ecosia is committed to transparency. Monthly reports inform you about the latest tree planting projects, the funds raised and how they were spent. The goal is to ensure that users are informed about the impact of their research.

Impressive Numbers:

Over 200 million trees planted worldwide so far.

More than 20 million active users.

36 million euros invested.

13,000 reforestation areas.

In short, Ecosia demonstrates that it is possible to combine digital innovation with environmental sustainability. By downloading the free extension for your browser, each of us can contribute to this noble cause. 🌳🌎 Happy browsing!

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