Juan and Patricia Vergez: the visionary patrons of contemporary art


Juan and Patricia Vergez are a couple of art collectors based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. For over 35 years, their passion for art has led them to create a collection that initially focused on Argentine, then Latin American and finally international art, with a particular interest in the productions that emerged after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Berlin.

Their collection is housed in the Espacio Tacuarí, a 1920s building located in the historic San Telmo neighborhood of Buenos Aires. This space, renovated between 2005 and 2006, has become an obligatory stop for art lovers visiting Argentina. Patricia and Juan Vergez's main goal is to promote contemporary art and new artists, while enriching cultural growth in Argentina.

In 2023, the couple received the "A" Award for the Latin American Private Collection from Fundación ARCO. This recognition underlines their commitment to supporting the diffusion of contemporary art and the artistic value of their collection.

Their collection has been presented in several international exhibitions. For example, in 2015, the BAROQUE BAROQUE exhibition brought together some of Olafur Eliasson's most important works from the private collections of TBA21 and Juan and Patricia Vergez. The exhibition explored the affinities between Eliasson's work and the exceptional baroque setting of the Belvedere Winter Palace in Vienna.

In 2011, their collection was brought into dialogue with the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection in Stuttgart/Berlin, as part of the Private/Corporate exhibition series. The Juan and Patricia Vergez collection includes high-level Argentine and international contemporary art. Juan and Patricia Vergez are two prominent figures in the world of contemporary art. Their passion for art and their commitment to promoting new artists and enriching the artistic culture in Argentina make them true ambassadors of contemporary art.

Juan and Patricia Vergez were initially drawn to art that offers a distinctly immersive experience. They were fascinated by works of art that challenge convention and upend expectations, such as crooked corridors, doors that lead nowhere, or an upside-down elevator that hosts a vertiginous drop. This pleasure in letting artists "flip the script" is what initially got the Argentine couple interested in art.

Today, their exhibition space in Buenos Aires is one of the leading private collections in Argentina. The Vergez Collection is firmly anchored in the contemporary, combining Argentine artists such as Tomás Saraceno, Mariela Scafati and Leandro Erlich with international names such as Monika Sosnowska, Ernesto Neto, Elmgreen & Dragset and Olafur Eliasson.

In summary, Juan and Patricia Vergez's passion for art was born from a love for works of art that offer an immersive experience and challenge conventional expectations. This passion has guided them on a long journey that has made them two of the most important collectors of contemporary art in Argentina.

Juan e Patricia Vergez sono una coppia di collezionisti d'arte con sede a Buenos Aires, Argentina. Da oltre 35 anni, la loro passione per l'arte li ha portati a creare una collezione che inizialmente si concentrava sull'arte argentina, poi latino-americana e infine internazionale, con un particolare interesse per le produzioni emerse dopo la caduta...

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